
Me hates you.

Laaaaaaama bngt ga posting di blog ini. Hampir lupa punya blog huhu so yeah mau cerita tentang kuliah di IPB, akhirnya i choosed IPB, mencari dan memberi yang terbaik~ emng sih terbaik ampe baliknya suka jam 7mlm keatas hahaha bkn maen ya gue emng jdwl smstr 2 nano nano gitu jadiiii nih gua mau cerita kegabutan gua selama ini, suka g sih ngerasa gabut? YES *hands up kalo suka* kenapa ya gua suka gabut banget, kalo lagi sama tmn gua yg tdinya suka ngobrol seruu jd garing abis? kan ga enak ya kalo diem-dieman jg sebenernya gua pngn bisa lebih berexpresi dalam tutur kata, tapi kenyataannya susah coi terus kemaren jg gua suka ga gercep kaya sekarang aja masa gua lupa ngeprint out form beasiswa pdhl padahal di linknya udh ga bisa di donlot sedih banget nyesel knp kemaren ga langsung di print huhu no one can help me out they're just told about something that can't be used. ga guna kasarannya ih betee tau ah gua malah jd tambah bt cerita gini bye



People do have it.
Ngomongin soal mimpi, mimpi lo lo pasti pada banyak kan? Gua jg sih secara gua itu abege labil yg mencoba menjadi Barbara Palvin seseorang yg more better than b4. So, mimpi ya.. mimpi gua gonta-ganti sih kan jd galau gue *galau muluk yee  oia gua jg punya good news buat kalian sahabat !
Setelah sempat galau tingkat dewa gara-gara blom dpt bangku di universitas negeri dan ngikutin berbagai macam tes dari mulai yang namanya SNMPTN, SBMPTN, UM UNDIP, UMB-PT sampe akhirnya UM d3 IPB dan setelah gua mengalami yg namanya worst headache setiap malem minggu gara-gara kebanyakan belajar so  sad but true sedikit agak miris sih disaat tmn-tmn lo udh pada dpt bangku lu msh belajar keras tapi setelah curhat sama mama jamur dan tmn-tmn gua, gua jd lebih banyak introspeksi diri… sesuatu yg lo pengenin bngt tuh g gampang buat di dapetin kalo lo gamau usaha keras, belajar-belajar terus dan ga lupa berdoa sama Allah minta yg yg terbaik buat lo gitu.
whop some cards is missing udh gua robek soalnya hihi

So balik lg, gua dinyatain lolos tes UMB-PT ! Subhanallah bngt senengnya ga karuan , rasanya gua pengen nangis, guling-guling, gigit pensil, makan sate *eh ama teriak WELL DONE DIN !! AKHIRNYA YA ALLAH !! MAKASIH BNGT YA ALLAH !! makasih bngt buat yg udh doain gua selama ini lope u guys ! 
yeay! alhamdulilah dpt MI

dan sampailah gua pada tgl terakhir regis online, seinget gua tgl 2 agustus kemaren dan gua udh selesai semua ngurusin regis online itu dan tgl 3 itu pengumuman d3 ipb dan subhanallah MAKASIH LG YA ALLAH ! dan gua lolos lg ! 

rasanya seneng bngt bisa ngebahagian ortu dan ngeliat perjuangan kita ga sia-sia adalah hal paling amazing di dunia ini tapi nih ya sumpah pas itu tapi gua ttp pngn ke unsoed (catetan: gua blm pernah ke purwokerto sblmnya) pokonya singkat cerita sampe skrng gua jd galau kronis gara-gara ini kalo gua jd, malem ini gua berangkat ke purwokerto meninggalkan setujuta kenangan yg udh dikasi bogor, keluarga dan tmn-tmn semua… jujur gua ga siap jauh dari keluarga gua di bogor mm pilihan yg sulit bngt karena gua suka jurusan-jurusan yg diatas itu,  these such my fav lessons at school.
Maaf ya gua jd curhat panjang lebar, and don’t judge me.
Kadang yg kita anggap baik buat kita, sbenernya bkn yg terbaik buat kita. God's know best ! yupii


Mom Dad, I'm Graduated !

Heyoooo young pretty ladies ahaha oh ! there's so much words that i want to write ot here. my blog has the same meaning with my diary.
So, the very first thing is, i was graduated from my senior high school YEAYY !!!  *finally i can leave the most painfull, stressing, sickness and horrible lessons in my life* and on 28th May 2013 they held a spectacular farewell party hahaha u have to see this guys ! what a lovey dovey and unforgettable moments ever! So sad but true yeah i have to say goodbye to them but its not forever at least :( ok i still sad till now but happy idk how to write that hahah lol

 Aya, Nurul, Rara, absolutely me, Amara, Nida and Aida :p
 Indri and Farisyaaa *pss she was being the best but also amazing chairmate evaa
 Pinky Hulkssss :* Widyo and Lupita
 with the queen, Rissa Anjani.
 Dad n Mum
 Teguh, me, Anggoro and Ghifari hahah look at they messy faces !

YEAY YEAH, the party's not over end ! on 23rd June 2013 they held a prom nite too it called prom nine because we're being a student on 9 shs at that time. i was being a PROM QUEEN on that party and the PROM KING goes to AditRP *u can see him on the pic on the top* ahaha i can't dancing so i just shakin my body like a chicken *what? hahhaa forget that and please dont imagine that. i beg. so here's some pic hope u enjoy :* 

HAHAHA so yeaaaaay ! thx for read this ily, forever :D


Vanilla Cupcake (RECIPE)

HEYYY !!! I miss youuu okay this is the randomest thing i ever wrote hahhaha hey do you know that less than 20 hours again 2012 will be change into 2013? aaa it so hard toexplain but in this holiday i made a vanilla cupcakes and its very easyy and delicious  :D i got the recipe from (http://www.billysbakerynyc.com) Billy's Vanilla Vanilla Cupcake ! hey i almost forget to say :


Billy's Vanilla Vanilla Cupcakes
Makes about 30 cupcakes

1 3/4 cups cake flour, not self-rising
1 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch cubes
4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 325°. Line cupcake pans with paper liners; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine flours, sugar, baking powder, and salt; mix on low speed until combined. Add butter, mixing until just coated with flour.

2. In a large glass measuring cup, whisk together eggs, milk, and vanilla. With mixer on medium speed, add wet ingredients in 3 parts, scraping down sides of bowl before each addition; beat until ingredients are incorporated but do not overbeat.

3. Divide batter evenly among liners, filling about two-thirds full. Bake, rotating pan halfway through, until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean, 17 to 20 minutes.

4. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat process with remaining batter. Once cupcakes have cooled, use a small offset spatula to frost tops of each cupcake. Decorate with sprinkles, if desired. Serve at room temperature. For the cream i used a whipped cream :D ahahahahhaa 

MuchLove xxo





Okay i really got excited about this month. This is the last of month of this year :( OMG, 2012 i'm gonna missing you so much there's nothing better than this year THIS  IS THE BEST YEAR EVER IN MY LIFE. asdfghjkl i'm turning 17 years old at this year, meet my besties in senior high, found so many facts about this life and yess.. i'll be leaving my school at 2013 :( i'm sad okay everyone get sad caused of the graduate moment  on their life YES ! forget about this hopefully this last month of this year would be awesome awesome awesome and amazing. i pray. 

Peace, Love and Gaul. 

Choco-chips Muffin ! (RECIPE)

Hey guys, welcome back with me again. today i'm gonna post about how to make Choco-chips Muffin. This is very very easy. i was got the recipe from RaphaBlueberry (lets find him on Youtube) so all you need to be first is...

And here is the step by step :D

And here is the sexiest one...


So thats it hahahahahahaha this is really nice i swear, it tasted great and delicious. Do u wanna try ? Oh YES ! and lets follow me on twitter @zeaudina.


Charice Infinite Tour 2012 in Jakarta

Aaaaaah ! It's taking sooo long time for me to post something in here! But, i am back ! Hellooooo people ? Dont you miss me ? aha :p Well, i want to share my experience with u.. yeah, 4 days ago i saw "Charice Infinite Tour" in Jakrta !! Exactly at Tennis Indoor Senayan with my sister and her friend. It is first time for me to see concert like this. When i told my parent for get permission from their, they're not gave it to me! I'm so sad :( yeayeayea.. but i took a bath and preparing clothes for go to there. I must go ! But suddenly, my sister get his permission ! OMG ! i'm  sooo happy ! After a while, my sister's friend came (call her kak putri) anddd we are ready to rock the concert guys!!!!  The gates opened on 6pm and we've arrived there at 7pm. When we arrived the atmosphere is full of calo *illegal tickets sellers* :p So, we entered the building and luckly ! Not too crowded in there, so we can got the front row to saw Charice ! Yeay ! And after a while, the concert is begins ! Charice came with the new hair style. She cut her heir with short modern minimalist style *love that and some people said, charice has a justin bieber hair now ! lol.  She makes us dancing, and wanna sceam YEEEEEEAAAAAAY ! YEAAAAAAY ! Aaah, i took some photos, so you can see it ! enjoy :D

KYAAAA~ hippie yippie we're super duper happy :DDDD


Together One World :D

Hello, when i was in my holiday, my school was invited to cooperate by one institution (Detara) in my town to take a part in cultural exchange with dutch people. Wow ! I am so excited about it ! just 20 lucky persons who can join with that event. before the date of the meetingwe learned a lot about the our culture, such as traditionaldance and traditional musical instruments. And un-um well lucky I am selected to opening the presentation about our school and Bogor. Together with my seniors, Shintia and Koko. Honestly, I am so nervous about it. Everybody knew laaah, what I said. Ok. In the day we met many new friends there, um I mean Cico, BogorThen the institutions that hold events that divided us into groups that have unique names, like cat, duck, frog, and many more. I am so enjoy to being there. I mean it was like make my dream come true (like my school motto yeaah -___-) We can met a lot of new friendss from another country, specially Holland. Oh ! I joining the duck group. Well I got the paper that it writing ‘Duck’, so I join  that group ! I don’t have a choice. Lol. In my group there are me (of course), Rini, Mely, Charlotte, Gwenn, Robinn and Varsha. All girls. Yeaaay , girls emancipation ! We met each other, telling stories about each state (you know ? They working after the school ends, like being waitress, and many more. They not same with us. Watching TV. Really different), playing some games together, dancing, create a blend of dance and games from Indonesia with the Dutch(for this one group of us joined the chicken in the chicken thereRisa, Jeje, Yudi, Renee, Kevin, Michelle and Jagruti). we practiceas much as possible until the appointed time and voila! We are a successful, well received, although only 4 champions, but weremain proud of what we've achieved so far. Before parting they (institution) held a party firewallUm I am so sad because of it. We will separated from them. Moreover, with Varsha, Gwenn,Emma (Who's Emma? Emma is Charlotte. She looks like EmmaWatson. You can see the picture below) and Robiiiiiin! We take pictures together, exchanged addresses facebook and twitter,exchanging gifts (I got the pink agenda book from Emma) and thelast is hugging! Ooooh! It was very sad. Huhuhu. Butlife must go on. I hope they never forget us, like us to them. Hopefully. Ok. Goodbye my friends. Your journey is still long (afterthey went from Bogor to Bandung, Yogyakarta and the latterBorneo, Kalimantan). May you always be there healthy. Oia, earlier this month of August they were back home to Holland

That’s all. My perfect holiday moment in my life  ♥ ♥